Many of you probably forgot that we got a little angora doeling a few days before Callisto was born. Ursa Bear has been neglected on this blog, but don't worry, not in real life.
When we got her she was very shy and scared of us. After Callisto was born, part of my morning routine started including sitting on the ground so Callisto could climb all over me, eat my hair, and fall asleep in my lap. Ursa watched from a distance for the first week then slowly started coming over to me. I guess she figured if the little baby trusted me enough to fall asleep in my lap then she probably didn't need to be scared of me.
Now she comes over every morning as soon as I sit down. Callisto jumps on me and acts like a baby goat, while Ursa stands quietly in front of me and lets me pet her. She is so calm and gentle, I never knew a goat could be calm and gentle. In case you can't tell, I adore this little girl.
She and Callisto have become pretty close. For those of you with angoras, do they ever play or jump on things? Callisto has been jumping on the big spools for over a week, but Ursa has never gotten on any of the spools. She also never plays head butting games even though Callisto tries to get her too. I just want to make sure she is ok.