Today he landed on Orion's back and hung out there for a bit.
Here is a video of Scissor Beak.
Update: The little bugger walked across 2 pens and through a fence to get to us! That is a LONG way for such a little guy. Then he followed us all the way back.
ScissorBeak is cute, sounds like he has a good personality too.
I'm so glad that you didn't "do away" with him and that he is doing so well! It's nice when things work out.
Is that the same bird? Wow he has gotten SO big..or maybe chicken just grow fast....I dunno.
Dirt Princess - he is actually really small compared to the other birds. You can tell he isn't getting nearly as much food but he is getting enough to stay alive.
Amazing video and photos! Scissor Beak has become a star!
I knew little ScissorBeak would make it! Plus become "special" to you.
ScissorBeak and Orion look like they are good friends.
Loved the video.
Have a wonderful weekend.
I love the name you gave ScissorBeak. Looks like Orion tolerates him well-maybe he's a good back scratcher!
Have a great weekend
I had a chick named Wonky Beak. Looked just like your Scissor Beak, it was a Dark Cornish. It would always have to hop into the feeder to get food and I would catch worms for her and have to pry them into her mouth. Sadly she didn't make it. Even though her life was short, she meant a lot to me.
That was a great video.
Sugarcreek - Scissor Beak is a dark cornish too. I wonder if they are more prone to this. I don't expect him to live long, but he's already lived a lot longer than I thought he would. He is very tiny compared to the others.
Scissorbeak is a sweetie! I'm so glad he's doing so well for you! My beakless wonder chicken LOVED to eat warm oatmeal, and she was able to get a lot more of it into her system than the crumbles, because it was easier for her to scoop up. You could try that with Scissorbeak! I just used regular rolled oats and water, and I would sometimes add a little olive oil and/or cottage cheese. She adored it.
What do you feed the poor little guy? I had a young bird in the same condition and she is starting to get thin. The crumbles seemed to work fine when she was a chick but now the upper beak has curved down as well and that may have something to do with it. Any ideas?
Vicki, I kept feeding him the chick feed. I tried a thick oatmeal which some recommended as it is easier to scoop, but he didn't like it. Basically, I filled a bowl really deep with the food so he could scoop it. It obviously wasn't enough food since he died.
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