This will be my last Scissor Beak update. He died last night. I knew something was wrong as soon as I left the house. He always hears me coming and runs out to meet me in the yard. This morning, no Scissor Beak. I'm going to miss him running up to say hi everytime I go outside. He was full or spunk and personality. It is weird to be attached to a deformed meat bird, but I was.

Scissor Beak had a special bowl for his food that was deep, so he could scoop it. The other birds seemed to know it was his and they never bothered it. Scissor Beak loved for me to hold the bowl while he ate. I hate to say, I would spend about 10 minutes everyday holding the bowl for him. At least he was spoiled in his short life.

He'll be buried in the garden, we'll put Logan's prickly pear cactus on top of him.
Awwwww God Bless him.........he was a sweet little thing. He will always have a special place in your heart. He had much will and determination
Awwww. I'm so sorry. So sad. All creatures are special, even deformed little meat chicks. He had a wonderful life while it lasted.
((HUGS)) for Logan, and you, too.
Death is the biggest part of farm life that I hate. It is so hard getting attached to the little critters and then have them die. I'm so sorry.
I am sorry to hear that Scissor Beak died. I liked to hear about his cute little personality. He had what we all want, to be loved by many
I was pulling for ScissorBeak and I know y'all did everything you could for him.
you and Logan did a wonderful thing with let him love you on his terms and loved him back! it doesn't matter that he was a deformed meat bird - he was both of yours and he only originally ever survived because he wanted to be yours!!!
kudos to you and were blessed to have such a friend!
So sorry - we've had chicks with scissor beak as well, and you do get attached to their determination and will to live...always a bummer when they pass.
Poor Scissor Beak! What happened? Do you lonely chicken too is spoiled rotten, she gets fruit every day...and plenty of pets and hugs...and she follows me everywhere! I love my chicken...I dont know what I'll do when i've got a lot more to feed and spend time with! LOL
So sorry. You did a great job of giving him a comfortable life.
What a sweet story! Thanks for sharing him with us. --C
I am so sorry to hear about Scissor Beak! He was such a cute and determined little chicken. I loved how you would talk about him following you around and how he would jump on Orion's back. He was a special pet. Hugs for you and Logan.
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. That's the toughest part for me - having these "pets" and then having them die for some inexplicable reason.
Condolences to both you and Logan.
I just found your blog today and how sad! I have to ask where you're at...I live near Commerce!
So sorry. Isn't it amazing how quickly we can become attached to little animals? I agree with Melody...death is worst part of farm life.
So sorry to hear about your bird.
Ohhh, I hate to hear about Scissor Beak. I'm sure he'll be missed. Isn't it strange how we attached to some funny creatures.
I'm so very sorry about little SB! He sounded like a spunky bird who made lemonade out of lemons for sure. That is just so sad.
I wonder if that is how we developed companion animals in the first place. Something special about one that tugged at our heart a bit and suddenly, they aren't food but a friend.
I'm glad he is getting buried in a place he'll be remembered.
Things are much too quiet in the stall without Scissor Beak around. I do miss him.
So sorry to hear it. He was well loved. I know, all too well, that it's hard to lose the special ones. Why is it that they have to steal our hearts with such regularity?!
Sorry to hear about your little Scissor Beak. You gave it a good life even for the short time he was here.
I am sooo sorry! At least you know he had a happy life and thats always important.
Looks like we've both lost chickens recently. No fun, but it happens. :)
I am so sorry to hear of your loss....I know how special the "special" birds can become!!! Right now I have a baby silky that is beginning to scissor, if you have any tips on how to keep her alive I would really appreciate it!!
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