I thought I'd do a garden update. Some of the following pictures are embarrassing, please ignore them ;).
Overview of the garden. Please ignore the goat butt, I do NOT let my goat run around lose after milking.

The weeds are totally out of control! They are taller than the corn. This is so embarrassing.

I bought a hoe after much argument with hubby about it. Here is part of it hoed. It is hard, slow work, but I'm making progress. I've got about twice this amount done so far. I'd be further along, but hubby got hurt over the weekend and we laid grass seed that needs to get covered with dirt. So, I've been spending every evening this week spreading dirt instead of hoeing the garden. And it is too hot during the day to do anything outside. We are getting into the 90s during the day.

The potatoes are doing well though. As are the sweet potatoes. I've got them both growing in potato bags.

The tomatoes are also doing well. They all have baby tomatoes and lots of flowers. I also have lots of ladybugs on my tomatoes. I don't know if that is good or bad.

Please don't look at the following picture! Mom wanted an update on the garlic bed she helped me plant in November. I'm ashamed to say it has become a weed bed. They seemed to grow overnight! And now I have no idea if there is any garlic even in there anymore.