Today is the 1 year anniversary of the day we moved to our farm! I can't believe it has already been a year, it seems like no time at all. Being that it is an anniversary it is time to look back and reflect.
We currently have:4 miniature goats (3 nigerian dwarfs and 1 mini nubian)
2 sheep
16 chickens (what? really? how did I get so many chickens?)
5 guineas
2 inside cats
Animals sold or given away in the last year:5 meat birds
1 duck named Thyme
1 sheep named Andromeda
1 rooster named Spike
Fatalities on the farm:1 duck named Sage
Scissor Beak (my sweet deformed meat bird)
Kudzu (boy do we miss her)
5 meat chickens I butchered that are now in the freezer
Crops that did well:Tomatoes
Sweet Potatoes
Spaghetti squash
Structures built:2 stalls in the run-in
A goat climbing structure
A small chicken run for the Mille Fleurs
4 raised beds
For one year, I'm happy with the progress on the farm. I'm less happy with my progress in getting established in the community. If you are my friend on Facebook, you read my post about being lonely and not having many friends that I can get together with. I will need to make a bigger effort to become more established in the community in the next year.