We've had great weather the past few days, so I decided to get some gardening work done. Logan wants to put in a butterfly garden, so I found a good spot and got to work busting up the ground.
We still don't own a tiller (we are "debating" what type to get, it isn't go well), so I had to dig the plot by hand. The ground is too hard for a shovel to break into, so I got to use my handy pick-axe. If you're going to live where there is hard clay, you MUST own a pick-axe. It took about 3 hours to get the spot broken up and I'm sore!

Here is the plot after I've dug it up. It still needs more work before it will be ready to plant, but the initial work is done.

Here is a video Logan took of me digging part of the area. It is a little shaky, but I think it gives you an idea of how hard to ground is.
We still need to get the big garden tilled. I'm hoping the neighbor can do it with the tractor, but we're expecting rain off and on for the next 2 weeks, so I think it is going to be awhile.