Sunday, January 13, 2008

Future Farmer

Here are pictures of me gardening with my Grandfather when I was about 4 years old.


linda m said...


You look so adorable helping your Grandfather!!!

Kathryn and Ari said...

Hi, Christie!
I found your blog at "On the Way to Critter Farm," and I'm so glad I did. I lived in suburban Delaware for seven years while completing graduate school, then moved to the woods of Maine to begin my own living local project. So much of what you write about resonates deeply. And the archival photos are great!


Anonymous said...

Wow! We could've been mistaken for sisters!! I didn't keep that beautiful light blonde hair though, mine darkened. Great pics!

Danni said...

So, would you say it was your grandfather who instilled in you your love of gardening? These are great pictures - you are so attentive. Can you remember the smell of that cigar? :-)

Akkire said...

so cute! and i love the fact he is smoking a cigar!

Deanne said...

How precious and beautiful!

Green Bean said...

So cute! Thank you for sharing. I love it when we see glimpses of our current selves in our past and when we realize how the older generation had it right for a lot of things.

Sarah said...

Oh, those are sweet pictures! I'm glad you shared.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures of you and your Grandfather. Good luck on your adventure to the farm.

Christy said...

Kathryn - Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy it.

Farm mom - My hair has darkened up a lot too.

Farm girl - I don't know if he instilled a love of gardening in me or if it was already there. And I can still smell the cigar, luckily he quite smoking them about 10 years ago.

Chile - Thank you about the grain mill info. I'm still looking and saving. It is a big investment!

frugalmom said...

Great pics. Those memories are always the best. Keep them forever.