Monday, February 25, 2008

Trim the fat - week 3

OK, update for this last week. I did better in some area's and not as good in others.

I did buy a few things this week. I ran out of thread and have 2 pairs of pants to finish for Logan, so I bought some thread and at the same time bought some fabric to make some reusable pads for Crunchy Chicken's Good 4 Girls campaign. The fabric was $2/yard so I went ahead and got it and have started making the pads. Now I'm out of elastic with 1 pair of pants left to finish.

I also bought some potting soil this week because a miniature apple tree I ordered a couple of months ago was finally delivered and I didn't have any dirt to plant the tree in. I'll take a picture of my cute little tree and post it soon. It is living in a pot until we move.

As for food, I did well this last week. I made my weekly menu, went shopping once and stuck to the menu all week. I'm trying to use things we already have in the house for our weekly dinners without dipping into our food stores that we have in case of an emergency. I've got the weekly menu for this coming week figured out and will go shopping today. This will mostly involve going to the farm to get milk, butter and chicken if they have any. If they don't, I have some in the freezer I can use. We are trying to eat meat just 1 or 2 nights a week, so this coming week we are having chicken 1 night in a pasta dish. This will be 1 chicken breast for the 3 of us.

And spending less time on the computer is going well. I'm getting things on my to do list done! It is a nice feeling. Logan has decided I need an exercise program so he is now my personal trainer which is also keeping me off the computer. He is a little drill sargent!


Kathryn and Ari said...

Wow--that's great! And I can't wait to see photos of the apple tree; I had no idea such a thing existed.

Christy said...

Kathryn - It only grows to 6 feet total in its life. Right now it is about 3 feet tall. It doesn't have any leaves yet because it has been dormant. But I'll post a picture soon.

Chile - It's going pretty well. I'm finding it harder than I would have thought to not shop.

Akkire said...

Keep it up Christy! February is almost over and you will have succeeded.

Akkire said...

ps I can't wait to see this mini apple tree.

linda m said...

Can't wait to see pictures of your apple tree. I have been trying to keep our shopping to a minimum this month, but that all went out the window when DH needed a new suit. Oh well, I'll try again next month.

Perri said...

That's awesome, Christy.

Trimming the fat is a whole heck of a lot harder than I expected. In my first try (first week of my first try), I failed miserably. Found myself in line at the local close-out store, with three reams of cardstock in my arms (Because we will need it SOMEDAY to make labels for our skeins of yarn that we will take to a couple of fairs this spring and the price was really good.) I hemmed and hawed, bought two of them and felt pretty lousy about it. (Also bought a {disgusting} supermarket made muffin that day.


I'm starting over in March.


Christy said...

Perri - It is hard! There are things I'm putting off getting until March which feels like cheating to be honest. But I figured if I wait until March and still want it then it is something that will really enhance our life. Just putting off the impulse buys is a big step