Danielle tagged me for the archive meme. This is like a fun flashback on the last year of my life.
Since family isn't the focus of this blog I don't write about family much. The post I wrote after reading My Ishmael does describe how things work in our family regarding discipline and education. It is also one of my favorite posts.
I write about friends on this blog even less often than family. Although I believe I've made some good friends through this blog. After the shootings at Virginia Tech, Logan and I went down there for a weekend to go to an alumni get together with my fraternity. I realized that weekend how much I had let old friends slip from my life. Since then I've been making an effort to stay in touch with old friends.
About Me
Well, I write about myself quite a lot on this blog so it is hard to pick one post that really describes me. But this one comes close.
Something I love and here
These guys brought me so much joy last summer. I can't wait for them to return. This one was a hard choice because my flowers are also something I love and something I've posted about quite a lot too.
Another hard choice. Do I want to show our cute Playmobile farm again that Logan plays with and rearranges everyday? Or do I want to revisit my knitting or sewing accomplishments from the last year? Ultimately, I decided joining the eat local challenges has had the biggest impact on my life this last year.
So now I'm supposed to tag 5 people for this, including 2 people whose blogs I'm new to. For my 2 new people I'll tag Twinville and A Journey In Your Dreams, I'll also tag Angie, Erikka, and Chile.
*Archive Meme Instructions: Go back through your archives and post the links to your five favorite blog posts that you've written. ... but there is a catch: Link 1 must be about family. Link 2 must be about friends. Link 3 must be about yourself, who you are... what you're all about. Link 4 must be about something you love. Link 5 can be anything you choose. I think this is a great way to circulate some of the great older posts everyone had written, return to a few great places in our memories and also learn a little something about ourselves and each other that we may not know. Post your five links and then tag five other people. At least TWO of the people you tag must be *newer acquaintances so that you get to know each other better....and don't forget to read the archive posts and leave comments!
It was fun reading through your favorite posts—thanks for taking the time to share them. The comments on the Ishmael post left me feeling a bit sad, though, I must say.
Danielle, I went back and read the comments again and yes, they are sad. I wrote a whole post in response to her last comment which can be found here: http://farmdreams-christy.blogspot.com/2007/04/unschooling-answer-to-comment.html
I had forgotten I'd written that post, it was fun to re-read.
Neat idea! I'm a fairly new reader to your blog, so I particularly appreciated the archive. I always enjoy your posts!
PS- How is the biscuit project coming along?
Kathryn - Thanks for the nice words. It is nice to know people read and enjoy what I write. I haven't tried biscuits again but have made 3 batches of muffins that all turned out good. Muffins I can do.
I really enjoyed reading your archive meme and learning more about you. Makes me want to go back farther in your Blog to read more of your archived posts.
Thanks also for tagging me. I put off doing the challenge because I didn't think I'd be able to find anything special for each link list.
But I had a really great time reading back over my old posts and reliving all those old memories. Probably another reason why I enjoy scrapbooking.
Do you scrapbook, too?
Anyway, keep up the wonderful posts on your Blog!
"Laughing Orca Ranch"
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