Sunday, April 20, 2008

Update on house

We had 3 showings today which is pretty good in this market. We're waiting to hear from our realtor to see if they were just realtors or actual people looking to buy. We'll also hear what they thought of the house and know if we need to change or work on anything.

At 8:30 this morning Mark heard someone pounding on our garage door. He went out and it was an older woman who was visiting her friend who lives across the street. Turns out it has been this woman's dream to live across the street from her friend so she was coming over to say she wanted to buy our house. She asked Mark what she should do now, he told her to call her realtor and arrange a showing. She seeemed really serious that she wanted to buy our house. Mark said she was shaking and on the verge of tears she was so excited. Hopefully she isn't crazy!


Anonymous said...

awwwww! I hope she's not crazy and that she can buy the house. And if she's crazy, well....awwwww.

linda m said...

Let's hope the woman was serious and not crazy. Wouldn't that just be the greatest thing!! I've heard of coincidences like that happening and this is where the Law of Attraction could take place. I'll keep the positive vibes coming your way.

Howling Hill said...

I'm in the "lets hope she's not crazy" camp also.

Let us know!

Christy said...

We have a showing this afternoon, maybe it is the woman from yesterday?! I'd love to sell the house to someone whose dream it was to live here. How cool would it be to make someones dream come true?

Danni said...

Hmmmm....well, just the fact that she was pounding on your garage door and not knocking on your front door might indicate some type of crazy, but perhaps she was just momentarily confused in her excitement of seeing your house for sale... :-)
Oh, how well I remember what you're going through...trying to keep the house "show ready", waiting for realtor's stressful. Hang in there!

Christy said...

It is stressful! We got some of the realtor comments back and they were totally unhelpful and vague. Mark says that is normal. We are having a broker open house tomorrow so hopefully some good feedback will come from that. I'm thinking the woman is crazy but you never know. Stranger things have happened.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! Yeah really, I hope she's serious. That would be great!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

That's silly! What could the realtors say that wasn't positive about your house.
It's perfect for the right family who comes along. It was perfect for you before, right?

My only suggestion, if you don't think I'm nuts, would be to focus on even more neutral, especially removing anything that is too boldly colored. In my experience, reds and dark blues tend to put off many potential buyers.

Hang in there. I just have a feeling that your house won't be on the market for too much longer.

Maybe the crazy lady will be the one to buy your house. Hopefully, her friend won't mind her moving in across the street!

Akkire said...

this was meant to happen. what more of a sign would you need to know you're on the next best step of your life than a little old woman showing up like that?


Christy said...

We haven't heard any more from the lady. She may have been one of our showings but if so she didn't make an offer. We've had 6 new showings and a repeat showing yesterday but no offers.

Jessica said...

Oh, Christy, I know it must be stressful to be in the thick of this, but to me it sounds incredibly positive and like you are moving in the dirction you have been desiring. How wonderful!