Sunday, July 5, 2009

A nasty rumor

It has come to my attention that there is a nasty rumor going around about me. Some mis-informed people are saying my animals are spoiled. I'm going to prove that rumor wrong in this post.

For example, I would NEVER cut lamb's quarter out of my garden and hold it while the goats eat it.
And I certainly would NOT hold a bowl of food for a deformed meat bird to eat.
Nor would I let a goat sleep in my lap while I trim his hooves.
And I can guarantee, NO goat of mine would be sleeping on the couch!
Only a fool would hand feed her hens corn every morning after letting them out of their coop.
And there is absolutely NO way, I would walk a goat around the back yard after milking her because the weeds in the yard are better than the ones in the pasture.

These animals are livestock and are treated as such!


Ron said...

Ha! That's funny, Christy. :)

What's interesting is how much better livestock actually perform when cared for and treated kindly! Great photos. :)


Welcome To Wilmoth Farms said...

Awwwww I just thought that was normal husbandry! ;-) At least thats what i tell my farmer!!!....(and Ron your right they do perform better when they are happy and well cared for) :-) Cute and clever post!!!!

Joanna@BooneDocksWilcox said...

How do these rumors get started and spread? I've been accused of hugging my chickens and kissing my goats on the lips!

DebH said...

Boy am I glad to see you squelch those rumors...I am also so very happy to see someone else treat those darlings like the livestock they are!! and I thought I was the only one they talked about at the feed store:) I am so glad there are others!!

Claire MW said...

I'm glad to see that your livestock are treated similarly to mine. None of that silliness around here. Nope. Never. And definitely no lambs in diapers sleeping under my desk. As if!! Pffft...

Unknown said...

Too funny!! I would call it "pathetic" but then I would be calling myself pathetic too. Gosh, what one does for those darn animals:)

Anonymous said...

Okay you have me laughing here, and much needed.

Sue said...

Too funny!
And I'm GLAD you treat your animals so well. There are many that don't have it so good. We NEED more folks like you.
Have a great week Christy!

Krista said...

I especially love the goat sleeping on the couch!!!! :) Great pictures!


Wendy said...

What do you mean "livestock"? Aren't they members of the family??

I always love "visiting" your farm. There's always something fun going on :).

Carla said...

I'm so glad I won't be having to call the ASPCA on you.

Christy said...

Joanna - I've been accused of similar things. Who would kiss a goat on the lips!? Not me, I can assure you.

Anonymous said...

And..I thought Miracle Eve was spoiled!
Christy, all the animals and the farm is looking so good!
I know you and your family are enjoying it so much. (I understand about the hot and dry part)It will pass soon.

Have a great day.
Pam said...

LOL I'm glad to hear all those nasty rumors aren't true. Especially the one about your goats sleeping on your couch. Where do these silly rumors get started anyway?

Christy said...

Mary Anne, that is what I want to know. How do these rumors get started?

Unknown said...

That's awesome! You had me going that it was something serious and I was all concerned. Then I saw your post and now I have a big smile on my face! Thanks I needed it!!!! I love your animals!

Kelly said...

Its okay, you know mine are spoiled too! Rumors? Looks like Now don't go worrying about what folks are just keep on doing what you are doing! You crack me up

Gail said...

I am so very proud of you. To have a farm, you must love farming and the livestock on it. There is no doubt you love the farm, lock, stock and barrel.

kymber said...

Good for you to squash these rumours with a post that proves otherwise!

sheesh...who comes up with these types of reputation-destroying rumours????

(so glad to see you all sooo happy!)

warren said...

I am so glad you have set the record straight. I bet you don't spoil your kids either!

Christy said...

Warren, nope my boy isn't spoiled either. Seriously though, he isn't in the bad sense. He is a great kid and never causes problems.

Christy - Thanks! Glad I made you smile.

Welcome To Wilmoth Farms said...

I have given you an award on my blog!

Walter said...

I will have to give you the benefit of doubt after seeing these pictures, I retract my accusation. Great pictures, I hope our small start up is as fun as yours.

Gayle said...

I think my farm animals would love to live at your house. I would love to spoil as you do, but I can't find the time...

Amy said...

Great post! I thought I was the only one people thought was out of their mind spoiling their animals :)

Glennis said...

Well yes you have to have sensible standards, I wouldn't do most of them either, only I have to say in a loud voice, there would be NO goat on my lounge suite! Where would my cat sit if there was a goat on it?

Madeline Rains said...

So sweet!!

Linda Foley said...

I absolutely LOVE this post! Very nice...

Anonymous said...

Great post :-)