I staked out the feeder the other night hoping to get a closeup picture of my hummingbird friend. I was successful! He was within 4 feet of me. We actually have 3 hummingbirds that come to the feeder, 2 males and 1 female. The males are usually chasing each other away from the feeder while the female shakes her head and sighs.

Beautiful pics!! We usually have the same circumstance here, 2 males and one female. They stay for a few months in the spring and then they leave.
Those are incredible pictures. I'm thinking of getting a feeder next year. In AZ I always had one hanging up and I really miss it.
I think I saw a juvenile last night, it was very small. Maybe one of the males managed to win over the female? It was the first time I had seen the small one. I'll try to get a picture if I can.
Those pix are awesome! Now a baby, too cool. When I visited my parents in Maine, I was determined to get a picture of a hummingbird at their feeder too. It was such a thrill to get it! I'll post it at my blog (since I don't know how to put it here). :P
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