Logan really enjoyed picking apples this time, he even climbed a few of the trees to get the good ones.
After picking apples and getting our donuts we went to feed the animals they have there. We had a great time feeding these little bantam chickens. They were very sweet and took the corn right out of our hands with out pecking at all! I can't say that all the chickens there were that nice. Anyone recognize this breed? They really were very nice.
The ducks were a lot of fun to feed. We nicknamed this one king duck because he was WAY bigger than all the other ducks and couldn't be bothered to beg like the rest. Even when we threw food right to him he didn't eat it. Obviously it was beneath him to eat hand outs.
For you horse type people out there.
Logan feeding the silkies. He loves silkies and can't wait to have a few. They weren't nearly as nice about taking the food, my finger hurt for a few hours!
My guess is that those are Red Pyle bantams. McMurray Hatchery is one of my favorite hatcheries because of their wide assortment, and that is where I looked up Red Pyles just to make sure I was right.
You can take a look at there Red Pyle bantam drawing here:http://www.mcmurrayhatchery.com/product/bantam_red_pyle_games.html
They are a great hatchery to work with, and though they don't have the cheapest price around, their chicks/ducklings are really good quality.
And no, I don't work for them or own stock in their company. ;-)
Aw, what's ailing you, Christy? Hope you're back in top form. Fun pictures. Mmmmm...apple season! :-)
Melody - Thank you, that does look like them. I love the little bantams so much.
It's just a cold but my throat hurts. I've been miserable for 2 weeks! First I got a wasp sting that hurt for 4 days, then the chiggers which just stopped itching yesterday, and now this cold. Ugh. I'm ready to feel normal again!
Awesome! What a fun time! I love all the animals! The donuts and pie sound good!
I don't know what kind the bantams are, but now I want some of them. They are cute!
The pictures are good and Logan can really climb a tree good.
Apple cider donuts really sound good.
Have a great weekend.
Pam, Logan is a champion tree climber! I sure hope they have cider donuts in GA. I promised Logan there would be.
Awww, what great day to make up for all the misfortunes and uncomfies you've had to go through lately.
I'm totally happy for you and Logan, but also a little envious and wistful. None of our apple orchards are open to pick apples this year, and our 2 apple trees aren't producing either.
We had a late May freeze and two hail storms in May and June. Our fruit trees didn't stand a chance.
I've never had apple cider donuts, but will plan on having some next Fall....
I liked that pic with the horse's tongue sticking out. hehe What did you guys try to feed him....roast beef?
(just kidding)
Silkies are supposed to make great pets because they are gentle and small...and oh, so very soft.
The key is to raise them from chicks.
We got our two silkies when they wre 2 weeks old. They are not as friendly as our our other hand-raised chickens.
Logan will love his Silkies if he raisies them as 2 day old chicks, though.
I can't wait til you guys ae settled in GA and start living your dreams....
Oh and I forgot to say that I don't know about apple cider donuts, but I do know that GA has yummy boiled peanuts there.
I'm not a fan of regular salted peanuts, but boiled they are scrumptious!
They were my favorite snack when we lived in South Carolina.
I'm salivating now just thinking about them! :)
Lisa - It was a wonderful day. We didn't feed the horse anything actually, he was just having fun with me I think. Cider donuts are my favorite thing about fall! We are looking forward to getting silkies and also can't wait until we get to GA! It still seems so far away.
Boy, do apple cider donuts sound good right about now! Love the pictures - the chickens are so cute. I'm glad you are feeling a little better now, no one likes being sick. I'll keep sending positive energy for everything about the move to go smoothly.
Apple cider donuts? I've never heard of them, but suddenly I have a mad craving for one or two or a dozen or two! :)
Yum! I haven't hand picked apples since I was a little girl. They used to serve apple fritters and hot apple cider at the orchard we used to go to.
Your King Duck is actually a goose. Great animal shots. I wish I knew what the body language meant when a horse sticks out it's tongue. I've seen several pictures of that very thing this week.
Glad you had fun. Enjoy your apples.
LOL! CeeCee beat me to it, but I agree, he's a goose! :) Glad you had a great time! Looking forward to seeing all these critters at your new place! ;)
I love apple-picking season, but like strawberries and blueberries, and the "growing season" in general, it never lasts long enough, and I'm always overwheled the whole time it's here ;).
I have about a bushel of apples to "sauce" or "butter" this weekend - plus I need to can some peaches I gleaned (with permission) and cook some pumpkin (probably for the freezer).
Hope you feel better soon. I seem to have caught a cold, too - can't catch a ball to save my life, but this cold ... Ack! And it's supposed to be rainy all weekend, too :).
I love apple-picking season, but like strawberries and blueberries, and the "growing season" in general, it never lasts long enough, and I'm always overwheled the whole time it's here ;).
I have about a bushel of apples to "sauce" or "butter" this weekend - plus I need to can some peaches I gleaned (with permission) and cook some pumpkin (probably for the freezer).
Hope you feel better soon. I seem to have caught a cold, too - can't catch a ball to save my life, but this cold ... Ack! And it's supposed to be rainy all weekend, too :).
I'm getting worried that apple cider donuts may be special to this area! I just figured they were everywhere.
Yeah, it's a goose, but king duck sounds cooler.
You should see if you can't get their recipe for the apple cider donuts and then make your own.
Mom, I've found a few recipes online. I don't think they will give me their recipe, they are a big commercial type operation. I think I'll get some cider and give the donuts a try this week. I'm also going to master biscuits this week if it kills me!
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