Sunday, May 4, 2008

A great quote

"A person dependent on somebody else for everything from potatoes to opinions may declare that he is a free man, and his government may issue a certificate granting him his freedom, but he will not be free. He is that variety of specialist known as a consumer, which means that he is the abject dependent of producers. How can he be free if he can do nothing for himself? What is the First Amendment to him whose mouth is stuck to the tit of the "affluent society"? Men are free precisely to the extent that they are equal to their own needs. The most able are the most free."-- Wendell Berry


Ron said...

I like that quote. I never felt more like a slave than when I was earning good money at a soft corporate job, busy being a consumer. Fortunately, I came to my sense before squandering any more of my life away. :)


Christy said...

I'm so glad you did too! It has been wonderful getting to know you and following your families adventures.