Orion ( sorry the picture is sideways, Blogger is doing it again. And I'm too tired to try to figure out how I fixed it last time it was doing this)


Logan has been taking his responsibility as feeder of Orion very seriously. Orion adores Logan now and follows him everywhere.

I've been taking my responsibility as milker of Aurora very seriously. It isn't easy and I wish I had gotten 2 kids instead so that I could settle into being a goat owner before taking on milking. But, look at the cool milk stand Mark and I made!

We got the goats Thursday evening and got them home at dinner time. I should have told Mark I wasn't doing dinner, but I didn't. So, I was trying to get the goats settled in and make dinner at the same time. We thought we would keep the in the garage for a few days before moving them out to the run-in. However, they were both crying so loudly we had to move them that night. They weren't together at the last place, so they didn't know each other and were both very lonely. They are getting to be friends and are doing better when we aren't with them, but they still cry a lot. They are very people attached.
So, Thursday night by the time I got them settled, which was an ordeal since we weren't prepared to have them in the run-in and got dinner prepared, I was exhausted! And thinking I had made a big mistake (I think this whenever I get a new animal). Friday went better. I milked Aurora for the first time and it went pretty well. I also got a make shift stall made up in the run-in that I'm much happier with. Friday evening Logan had a martial arts thing that usually ends at 6:30, but ran until after 7 so we had to rush home to milk and feed Orion. It was after 9 when I finished all that and I was exhausted again.
Today we've been home all day. I've milked Aurora twice trying to get her milk production up a little. I think she's holding back on me since I'm new to her. I also ran poultry netting on a few of our fences because the chickens are getting into the garden. I planted 25 strawberries, 6 raspberries, 6 blackberries and a cherry tree. The blackberries were hard to plant because I had to dig holes in the yard which required using a pick ax to get through the clay. Needless to say, I'm tired! I still have to milk Aurora one more time and feed Orion before putting them to bed. Oh and make dinner. Luckily, Mark is out of town so dinner can be a simple affair.
Overall, we're enjoying the goats. Logan loves to run with them, they follow him wherever he runs. Orion is sweet and Aurora is warming up. She cries a lot. I don't feel a real bond with her yet but hope it will come. It is beyond muddy here since we had 3 days of rain followed by 6 inches of snow. So we are filthy whenever we spend time with the goats. We now both have farm pants.
I'm feeling like a real farmer now and it is exhausting!